
İrfan Murat Yıldırım was born in Iğdır in 1963. He completed primary and secondary school in Iğdır and high school in Samsun. Yıldırım completed his undergraduate studies at Atatürk University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, and his master's and doctoral studies at Ege University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature. İrfan Murat Yıldırım, İrfan Murat Yıldırım worked as a Turkish Language Instructor at Ege University between 1984-1996, at Warsaw University between 1993-1996; as a lecturer at Kars Kafkas University between 1996-2000 and at Manisa Celal Bayar University between 2000-2024. İrfan Murat Yıldırım has written many books, articles and papers in the fields of Turkish world, Azerbaijan Turks, Iranian Turks, Azerbaijan Turkish, Azerbaijan Literature, New Turkish Literature. Prof. Dr. Lecturer İrfan Murat Yıldırım died on May 17, 2024 while working at Manisa Celâl Bayar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Department of New Turkish Literature. This article contains information about Dr. Lecturer İrfan Murat Yıldırım's background, academic life, publications and studies on the Turkish world.

Anahtar Kelimeler

İrfan Murat Yıldırım, Turkic world, Azerbaijan, New Turkish Literature.
