Кыргыз Тилиндеги Ат Атоочтун Функционалдык-Семантикалык Өзгөчөлүгү


The pronouns of the Kyrgyz language have been studied from the aspect of grammar whereas the semantic and functional features of the pronouns have not been broadly examined. The present paper is aimed at providing complete and definite data regarding the meanings of the pronouns along with revealing their lexical, semantic and functional traits. In the certain given language the pronouns may lead firstly to less repetition of words in terms of giving many words without changing their meaning; secondly, in terms of its accelerating and shortening role, it is conventionally close to cursive writing; thirdly, the stylistic role of giving the meaning of some words in the sentence without repeating with the help of pronouns is also great, therefore, the pronoun is widely used both in the spoken language and in the literary language. The aim of our article is to determine the lexico-semantic and functional features of the prepositional and referential pronouns. The greatest importance of
the pronoun in language is explained by its communicative quality. Pronouns can be divided into deixis and anaphoric groups based on this quality. The article will discuss these divided groups.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Kyrgyz language, pronoun, functional and semantic features, personal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun.
